Mental health monitoring through interactive conversations (MENHIR) is an H2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) project. The project aims to research and develop conversational technologies to promote mental health and assist people with mental ill health (mild depression and anxiety) manage their conditions.
2024 Annual Report is now online. Projects’ milestones and deliverables with analytics.
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Meetings and Media
Menhir FAQs
What is your process working in smaller projects?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
Who is behind Menhir?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
I’d like to get to meet fellow scientists, how can I do that?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.
Can I apply to be a part of the team or work as a contractor?
Études offers comprehensive consulting, management, design, and research solutions. Our vision is to be at the forefront of architectural innovation, fostering a global community of architects and enthusiasts united by a passion for creating spaces. Every architectural endeavor is an opportunity to shape the future.